Bei Nemi Moves dreht sich alles um Verbindung:
Verbindung zwischen Körper und Geist und zwischen Menschen und ihrer Leidenschaft.
Mit funktionellem und wissenschaftlich fundiertem Training, begleite ich dich an dein Ziel.
Erlebe eine gesunde Herausforderung, ohne Leistungsdruck dafür voller Motivation.
Mit Nemi Moves teile ich meine Leidenschaft für kraftvolle Bewegung und Artistik mit anderen Menschen.
Build up your Functional Strength

structured conditioning exercises and holistic buildup to achieve sanding upside down and dynamic body skills
also includes:
stability exercises from
pilates, capoeira and calisthenics

Flex and Mobility
Improve your health and unlock your full range of motion. This class enhances flexibility in a safe, sustainable way by strengthening the muscles that support mobility. Ideal for athletes, performers, or anyone looking to move with greater ease and control.

Functional Body Weight Training
Legs, glutes and core with resistance bands and ankle weights
This class combines functional movements with progressive resistance to improve posture, boost metabolism, and build a strong, balanced foundation.

Acrobatic and Aerial Conditioning
Enhance your strength, control, and endurance for aerial and acrobatic disciplines like hoop, silk, and pole dance. This class focuses on building the specific muscles needed for your practice, improving technique, stability, and overall performance.
This class format is only available as a Personal Training
“Thank you! I really like the way you teach - very high quality and clear instructions" (Anna)
"Your classes are always the highlight of my week" (Rachel)
"Started this class feeling so uncertain and left feeling like a queen" (Madelaine)
"Tolle Energie" (Sandro)
"Ich fühle mich ernst genommen und toll begleitet, auch wenn ich eher zu den Anfängern zähle" (Martin)
Kontaktiere mich jetzt einfach und unverbindlich!
Ich freue mich, von dir zu hören.
Nemi Moves
c/o Dayuma Sports
Auf dem Wolf 18, 4052 Basel